VJW International is a specialised consulting firm providing high quality expertise in foreign policy and development cooperation.

VJW International is a specialised consulting firm providing high quality expertise in foreign policy and development cooperation. ACP-EU relations after 2020: Issues for the EU in consultation phase I. Thematic Round Table on Global Challenges in London at DFID’s offices, 27 March 2015. Study of EU Gateway to Japan and Korea: independent assessment to evaluate the performance of the Gateway Programme. Evaluation of the USA Millennium Challenge Compact of a total amount of USD 460 million in Mali. Evaluation of the USA Millennium Challenge Compact of a total amount of USD 507 million in Mozambique.
VJW International is a boutique consultancy providing high quality expertise in foreign policy and development cooperation to private and public clients, including governments, European institutions, international organisations and development agencies.

VJW International is a Consortium member of six Framework Contract with public institutions as follows:

Consortium Leader:

European Commission’s SEA 2023 framework contract:  Lot 8: Sustainable Financing.

Consortium partner:

European Commission’s SEA 2023 framework contract:  Lot 6: Macro-economic analysis, fiscal policies and budget support.

Consortium partner:

European Commission’s SEA 2023 framework contract:  Lot 9: Democracy, Human Rights, Rule Of Law, Gender Equality And Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA).

European Commission Service for Foreign Policy Instruments:
Lot 2: Policy Support Facility for the Implementation of EU Foreign Policy – PSF 2019 Worldwide.

VJW provides expertise in the following key areas:

Strategy & Policy Advice

Support to external action policymaking and policy dialogue in partner countries.
Extensive experience in conducting consultations around policy issues as well as research studies, evaluations, and recommendations based on rigorous research and evidence-based analysis.
Organising and facilitating consultations with public and private stakeholders including partner Governments, Team Europe members, the private sector, and civil society (including youth, women’s organisations, sectoral organisations, etc.).
Support to the coordination of public interventions and formulation of external action policies, as well as sectoral and political dialogue in partner countries.
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Financing for Development and Public Finance Management (PFM)

VJW International works closely with major donors, partner countries and the private sector to provide tailored technical, economic, financial and legal expertise on financing for development and public financial management. Central to this is supporting public donors and partner governments to improve public finance management systems and processes, domestic resources mobilization and macroeconomic stability for example. We work to help partners achieve globally agreed development objectives at every level: local, national, regional and international.

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Sustainable Economic Development & Trade

VJW International provides technical assistance in facilitating economic and trade relations between partner countries, tackling barriers to trade and investment, analysing regulatory and legislative frameworks and procurement processes, and promoting international standards towards economic development.

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Governance, Democracy,
Human Rights and Peace

VJW provides support to public institutions and international organisations identify relevant solutions to political and economic governance issues including economic and social challenges such as corruption, gender migration, decentralisation, transparency, law and justice, inequality, the peacebuilding and state-building continuum, and the development link as a precondition for lasting peace.

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EU Joint Cooperation Strategy with Kenya 2018-2022

The EU Joint Cooperation Strategy with Kenya, setting out a common approach for the EU, nineteen EU Member States and the European Investment Bank (EIB) to support Kenya with €4.5 billion from 2018 to 2022. This agreement not only harmonizes investment over a long period of time, it also aligns financial support with the priorities and objectives of the national government, such as the Government of Kenya’s Medium Term Plan III and the Big Four agenda.

Support for implementation of Development Effectiveness Commitments

Study on the EU progress made on Development Effectiveness Commitments as well as the provision of technical assistance in the preparation of the GPEDC HLM2.

Analysis of internal and external consultations on post Cotonou and support in drafting official documents.

This project provided support DEVCO’s task force in preparing and drafting the evaluation, the impact assessment as well as the recommendation on the future of the Cotonou Partnership Agreement (CPA) after 2020.

EU-Ghana Joint Cooperation Strategy 2017-2020

Technical assistance to develop a Joint Cooperation Strategy in support to Ghana’s Long-Term National Development Plan (LTNDP).