Country or Region: Mozambique
Sector: Policy dialogue and Coordination
Client: EUD Mozambique
Date: March 2020 – March 2022
The overall objective of this contract is to enhance the impact of the European (EU, EU MS) development cooperation work in Mozambique by facilitating and improving coordination, communication and visibility, and by promoting the cross-cutting objectives of the European Union such as environment and climate change, rights based approach, and gender equality. Improving the overall aid effectiveness for Mozambique will support acceleration towards the achievement of Mozambique’s development priorities, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
The purposes of this contract are as follows:
- Purpose 1: To assist the EU Delegation and EU Member to improve their coordination, advance on joint programming and improve their division of labour. A particular emphasis will be put on the EU Programming exercise for Mozambique in the course of 2020.
- Purpose 2: To support the EU Delegation in fulfilling its role within the DCP, both within the group of donors and within relationships with the Government, ensuring high quality input and follow-up on the internal and external meetings.
This project aims at providing support services to the established coordination structures, namely the EU HoCs and the DCP, taking forward the Working Better Together / Joint Programming process and the development effectiveness agenda. This should in particular address the need for a consolidation of the recently established Joint programming Action Plan as well as the “Renewed Partnership” coordination structure, the enhanced division of labour and joint approaches which will require an improved coordination and participation of the DP´s in the different structures.
The main vehicle for improved coordination is the DCP Renewed Partnership. A good functioning secretariat, which will be hosted by the UNRC from beginning 2020 onwards, is essential to enhance the quality of DP’s response to development effectiveness objectives and challenges. The support services requested consist in providing a full time Development effectiveness expert working with the EU HoCs and DCP co-chairs and DCP Secretariat.