Country or Region: Nairobi, Kenya
Sector: Joint Programming
Client: European Commission
Date: May 2019 – May 2022
The overall objective of the assignment is to enhance the impact of the European (EU, EU Member States) development cooperation work in Kenya and the work of the Development Partners Group by bringing together resources and capacities and by improving coordination, communication and visibility, and by promoting the cross-cutting objectives of the European Union which include: environment and climate change, rights based approach, persons with disability, indigenous peoples and gender equality.
The team of experts will aim to:
- Support the overall effectiveness of the European Union aid to Kenya through support to the implementation and monitoring of the National Indicative Programme of the 11th EDF and in the pre-programming exercise for EU funds in Kenya post-2020.
- Enhance the impact of the European aid to Kenya, through increased coordination, harmonisation and alignment among EU Member States and the European Delegation and with other development partners (DPs) and the Government of Kenya leading to greater aid effectiveness and visibility of European joint support.
- To enhance the overall effectiveness of the European aid to Kenya through the support to the Development Partners Group in Kenya and the Government of Kenya.