Country or Region: Multiple countries
Sector: Development Cooperation
Client: DEVCO
Date: September 2018 – January 2019
This study reflects DEVCO’s commitment to keep pace with the global reflection on inequalities and continue evolving from poverty reduction, as integrated in the EU Treaties; through inclusive growth, as defined in the Agenda for Change as people’s ability to participate in, and benefit from, wealth and job creation; to the new concepts of equitable growth as proposed by Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Agenda 2030.
The output of the assignment is a strategic study that compounds and develops current knowledge, and effectively contributes to making DEVCO strategies, instruments and programmes more responsive to the challenge of reducing inequalities.
Apart from providing the results of the evidence based-research and case studies illustrating the impact of public policies on inequalities, social inclusion and redistribution, the study is a preparatory identification of tools and operational guidance to DEVCO Colleagues, EU Delegations, and other Services to assess the level of within-country inequalities, and proposes ways and methods, as well as practical tools, to integrate the reduction of inequalities in EU development cooperation and dialogue with partner countries.
The consultants have carried out an analysis of knowledge gaps and needs in the areas of Inequalities, drawing on a consultation process with target groups. In addition, they have based on previous work commissioned by DEVCO, established the conceptual framework to be adopted by DEVCO to be used by HQ and delegations colleagues to analyse country contexts, support the policy dialogue, as well as projects/ programmes identification. Also, they have provided the recent regional trends and challenges linked to inequalities and identified successful policy responses and good practices in addressing inequalities. Finally, they have reviewed existing instruments and tools developed by DEVCO and relevant developmental partners to identify relevant and useful ones, particularly those for analysing national country dynamics.