Country or Region: Kenya
Sector: Strategy and Policy Advice
Client: European Commission
The Aid Effectiveness Secretariat (AES) was constituted and mandated to support the Aid Effectiveness Group (AEG) and act as its secretariat to support the Government of Kenya and Development Partners equally in meeting Paris, Accra, Busan and Mexico commitments. The AES is based in the Resource Mobilization Department, The National Treasury and staffed by full time Government officers and Technical Assistant. Its core function is to develop, update, and coordinate implementation of the AEG work program. Development Partners have committed to support the AES financially.
The TA contributed to:
- Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of development assistance in Kenya in line with the Paris Declaration, Accra Agenda for Action and the strategic priorities put forth by the Government of Kenya in the Vision 2030 and its subsequent Medium-Term Plans.
- Reduce transaction costs to the government by streamlining systems for delivering aid, standardizing procedures, eliminating duplication, managing for development results and upholding mutual accountability.
The team of consultants provided the following services:
- Desk study on the function of the AEG and AES in light of the institutional background and how to effectively coordinate donor funding, including budgets for the AES;
- Bilateral meetings with AEG/AES;
- Regular contacts with the Government of Kenya;
- Workshop for the finalisation of the AEG Strategic plan;
- Contributions to the AEG strategic plan, analysis of the objectives, challenges, priority areas, (especially on the M&E framework and visibility strategy) and finalisation of the document.
The final output was a strategic plan with clear and SMART indicators.