VJW Europe is head of the Lot 3 Consortium under the European Framework contract. Our partners are AECOM International Development Europe and DMI Associates.
Date: 2019-2024 (5 years)
Objective: to provide foreign policy expertise in the field of Development
The key areas covered by this Framework Contract are as follows:
Governance: political situation in developing countries; democratisation and electoral process; civil society; human rights, regional and local authorities; regional organisations; fragile states; conflict prevention and peace keeping; migration and refugees; economic governance; public financial management; budget transparency, including natural resources good governance; effective parliamentary accountability.
Economic development: economic situation in developing countries, sub regions and regions; capacity-building; agricultural development, including food security; fisheries; industrial development; infrastructure; promoting SMEs; sustainable tourism; role and potential of ICTs and new technologies; role of trans-national corporations.
Environment: implementation of the Paris Agreement, sustainable development; water management; climate change impact and adaptation strategies in developing countries; energy and sustainable management of natural resources; global environmental governance.
Social and human development: social situation in developing countries (including growing inequalities); education, including technical and vocational training; health, including population policy and reproductive health; women and development; children/youth and development.
External aspects of EU migration policies
Development aid: Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals, financing for development (Addis Ababa Action Agenda), aid modalities and aid effectiveness; international aid architecture (, future of Cotonou Agreement); international financial institutions and development; cooperation and co-financing with NGOs and civil society; development education and awareness; new development actors (private foundations); South-South cooperation; emerging powers (such as the BRICS) and their own cooperation schemes; new middle-income countries and the phasing-out of EU classical development aid for them.
Trade: trade relations with developing countries, including Economic Partnership Agreements (and the future of Cotonou Agreement); GSP; Aid for trade; trade in commodities (raw materials and energy); fisheries agreements. Humanitarian aid and disaster relief, including food aid, climate change-related threats, long-term assistance (LRRD strategies), crisis preparedness and new humanitarian donors.