Carlos Illan
Carlos Illán is an international development expert with more than 15 years of experience in the field of development cooperation combining a strong experience in policy-oriented research and policy making on EU development policy with solid research skills for public and private institutions. His main areas of specialization are EU development aid, grant-making strategies, project design, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation. Carlos has 6 years of experience at the Committee on Development of the European Parliament as Administrator where he worked extensively in Policy Coherence for Development, Aid Effectiveness, Joint Programming, European Consensus on Development, Budget Support, aid delivery methods and the evaluation of EU development aid. Prior to his assignment in Brussels he worked as senior research fellow at the Institute for Development and Cooperation (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) for 8 years carrying out independent research and policy analysis for spanish and latin american development institutions in the area of governance; capacity building consultancy (grant-making strategies and evaluations) and teaching in the field of development aid. He teaches at the Ph.D program in International Development at the Faculty of Economics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.