Country or Region: Mozambique
Sectors: Evaluation
Client: Millennium Challenge Account Mozambique (MCA Mozambique)
In 2007, the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Mozambique signed a five-year USD 506.9 million Compact to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth by focusing on physical assets investments, policy reform, capacity building and institutional strengthening. In Mozambique, four projects areas have been invested in:
- water supply and sanitation,
- rehabilitation and roads construction,
- land tenure service,
- farmer income support project (FISP).
The overall objective of the contract was to assist the Millennium Challenge Account Mozambique (MCA Mozambique) to prepare the Compact Completion Report based on a template agreed between MCC and MCA-Mozambique. The evaluation consisted in a systematic assessment of the MCA-Mozambique projects based on data collection and analysis, and in writing recommendations and lessons learned for the implementation of the MCA.
Four projects implemented by MCA Mozambique have been evaluated through desk-based analysis and field study and data collection, in close collaboration with MCA Mozambique, representatives of the MCC and key stakeholders such as implementing entities, partners and beneficiaries of the Compact.
The assignment resulted in the preparation of a comprehensive Compact Completion Report, which analysed performance indicators, achievement of stated objectives, factors that have impacted positively and negatively on the implementation and achievement of results, as well as lessons learned from the implementation of the Compact.