Country or Region: Ghana

Sector: Joint Programming

Client: European Commission

The main objective of this technical assistance was to facilitate the task of the EU+ Development Partners (DPs) involved in Joint Programming (JP) in Ghana of preparing Phase II 2017- 2020. The focus of this strategy will be on consolidating Ghana’s transition as a LMIC. It will also be aligned with the five main objectives outlined in the Long-Term National Development Plan (LTNDP) 2018-2057 and the Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP) 2018-2021.

The team helped the EU Delegation to produce the following outputs:

  • A joint analysis of the development challenges and priorities of Ghana as per the Ghana Shared Growth and Development Agenda II and the Long-Term National Development Agenda 2018-2057;
  • An overview of the Division of Labour and the degree of synchronisation of EU actors in Ghana;
  • An emphasis on the sector priorities of the EU+ in Ghana, where the EU actors share a joint analysis, a joint program and (when possible) joint implementation modalities;
  • Mechanisms for annual monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the EU joint programming Strategy;
  • A joint strategy for the visibility of EU development cooperation to Ghana.

This project led to the publication of a document entitled “European Partners working together in Ghana. Joint Co-operation Strategy 2017-2020”.

Click on the following hyperlinks to access additional related content:

“EU and Ghana sign financing agreements and launch European Partners Joint Cooperation Strategy”

Launch of the Joint Programme strategy and the Signing of the financing agreements

Speech delivered by Head of the European Union in Ghana, Ambassador William Hanna

Speech delivered by Ghana’s Minister of Finance, Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta
